这周我在读什么 03
title: 这周我在读什么 03 date: 2020-12-20 22:53 tag: 分享
关于此系列:我会每周分享这周正在读的书、文章和其他一些有意思的东西,主题不限,每周末更新。 注:部分链接需科学上网后打开
📜Consume Less. Create More. It’s More Fun.:人类的价值应当在于创造和探索,而不是永无止境的消费。
📜Lonely people have a unique brain signature, perhaps due to so much imagined social contact:2020年我感到前所未有的孤独,文章中提到孤独的人更有可能进行想象中的社交,回忆和假设对话,也更有可能像对待人一样对待宠物。这不就是在说我吗!?
What happens when you die? A poetic inquiry : 原文如下:
Because I could not stop for Death — He kindly stopped for me — The Carriage held but just Ourselves — And Immortality. We slowly drove — He knew no haste And I had put away My labor and my leisure too, For His Civility — We passed the School, where Children strove At Recess — in the Ring — We passed the Fields of Gazing Grain — We passed the Setting Sun — Or rather — He passed Us — The Dews drew quivering and Chill — For only Gossamer, my Gown — My Tippet — only Tulle — We paused before a House that seemed A Swelling of the Ground — The Roof was scarcely visible — The Cornice — in the Ground — Since then — 'tis Centuries — and yet Feels shorter than the Day I first surmised the Horses' Heads Were toward Eternity —
📹【回形针PaperClip】HIV 自救指南:保护好自己。
Or it turns out that what you believed to be your opinion does not really make sense, is logically inconsistent,and mostly copied from someone else, in which case you feel stupid as well. However, the reward for all this exhausting work is clarity and simplicity.
简而言之,Start writing.
📜 B端设计:导航菜单的设计5步法:相比 普罗大众的C 端产品,B 端由于业务特殊,参考案例极少,此系列都值得收藏。
📜被Pornhub毁掉的孩子 & Pornhub做出了改变,但这远远不够 上周有关注关于Pornhub的两篇报道,今天看到Pornhub终于做出了进一步改变,觉得真好,犯罪作品不是色情。性是很愉悦的事情,不可否认,观看美妙的性行为也是愉悦的事情,但是违背双方意愿的性行为并不值得传播,也不值得浪费时间。这种巨大的变态的无法满足的黑暗角落,为什么要通过伤害他人来达到呢?如果这一点都做不到,那和牲口没有区别。
📜英美主流媒体盘点:为什么我不建议你看 VOA,CNN :任何媒体都有偏向性,最好结合不同家的报道来看,就如同在国内不要只看新闻联播一样。
📜侯奇江:拐賣、家暴和冥婚,中國底層殘障女性的生死掙扎 :有时候我会很害怕「点击」女性不平等、性侵、性骚扰的内容,因为我害怕推荐算法会给我打上标签,继而给我推送更多更多的类似报道,每看到一次我都要愤怒,难过和无可奈何。
📜羽绒服和棉服的区别在哪里? & 📹【回形针PaperClip】如何做一件轻暖兼备的保暖内衣? 建议两篇搭配一起看,一直以来羽绒服都被认为是保暖轻巧,棉服虽抗风但厚重。但是真的棉服要比羽绒服保暖吗?羽绒含量多少才保暖呢?这两个链接会给你一些答案。
最后引用Nei.st 主页引用的Colum McCann 的观点作为结尾,祝阅读愉快。